Saturday, June 09, 2007

Romney losing fundraising momentum?

That's what this site says:

Rebublican strategist Holly Robichaud said the ploy gives reason to believe that the dapper candidate is battling a financing slump.

“It kind of confirms what I’ve been hearing, that they’re getting a little desperate on the fund raising,” she said. “They’re spending faster than anyone because everyone’s holding on to it until the end.”

In April, the Romney campaign announced it had raised $21 million in the first quarter of 2007, far surpassing GOP opponents. But the cash flow slowed amid the rumblings that actor and former Republican Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson would announce his candidacy, Robichaud said.

Democratic National Committee spokesman Damien LaVera offered criticism with as much bite as a Curt Schilling splitter.

Mitt Romney can swing for the fences to meet his fund-raising targets, but a guy from left field with nine positions on every issue will keep striking out on the campaign trail unless he starts offering the American people clear plans and ideas for the America’s future.”
Romney’s campaign did not step up to the plate yesterday despite repeated requests for comment.

I'd just like to point out that Curt Schilling endorsed McCain for 2008.

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