Saturday, August 04, 2007

Romney's Dirty Little Secret. He supports embryonic stem cell research

That's right. He is aligned with McCain and Giuliani. Why do I say this? Two reasons: A direct quote from Romney.

the united states house of representatives voted for a bill that was identical to what i proposed. what they voted for is what i proposed. They voted to provide for surplus embryos from in vitro fertilization processes being used for research and experimentation that's what i said i support. that's what they just supported. What said we should not do is get into embryo farming, cloning for experimentation and a redefinition of when life begins. that's what our legislature has done. What our legislature has done goes well beyond what's done in Washington. What's in Washington is consistent with what i said i support which is using surplus embryos for fertilization processes so it would be helpful if people pointed, as a matter of fact what the us house of representatives is doing is exactly what governor Romney proposed.

Nice use of the third person, Willard.

Most recently in July according to

On embryonic stem cell research, Romney said the place where he draws a bright line and says no is when there is an embryo created solely for the purpose of research and destruction.

The only explanation here is that Romney supports EXCESS embryos that otherwise would have been discarded. This is exactly where McCain and the militantly pro-choice candidate Rudy Giuliani stand. And Romney lied (whatever, misspoke, told untruths) in the MSNBC debate on his stance on embryonic stem cell research.

Just read what Mitt wrote about stem cell research.

The reader comes away with VASTLY different interpretations if they 1) had never heard of Romney or 2) if they knew he supported federal funding for EXCESS embryos.

It's just like the Sixth Sense or The Usual Suspects. Quite a different move after you know the ending.

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