Friday, November 09, 2007

Hugh Hewitt and Mitt Romney

Pop Quiz: You're Hugh Hewitt. You stay up late at night struggling to answer the question "Can Mitt Romney make a rock so big that he cannot move it?" You dismantle opponents by saying Romney's new-found love affair with the conservative right is so much more appealing than the conservative records that Thompson and McCain bring to the table. Then Mike Huckabee becomes the new darling of the conservative right. What do you do? Why you attack him from the left of course.

But wait! Huckabee is a committed conservative righty. He didn't need to administer any blatant flip-flops to get there. People actually *ghasp* trust him. What do you do? Panic? No! You're Hugh Hewitt. The answer is easy: You attack Huckabee by telling voters that voting for Huckabee is the most liberal vote a Republican can ever think to make without actually crossing party lines.

Way to go Hugh. Now you can go back to contemplating another question: How many Mitt Romney's can dance on the head of a pin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at GodBlogCon with Hugh Hewitt a few days ago and listened to his interviews of key Christian Thinkers Al Mohler and John Mark Reynolds. Unfortunately, on this one, you are blind and Hugh sees things as they really are. In his book, he predicted the reactions of everyone precisely, and you are part of the lunatic fringe of fundamentalists who think that Mormonism is worse than Hillary Clinton's faith or radical Islam. Read Bob Jones III,s endorsement, and grow up.

Get used to the idea of President Romney!

(Do you find it interesting at all that, if Mike Huckabee or Fred Thompson is nominated, I as a Latter-day Saint and 85% of the others will vote for him because we share valuesa?)

Love & Thanks, and see my Blog at ...