Sunday, December 26, 2004

Copy Cat: Cloning 101

So there's this cat that was cloned. Now if my calculation and understanding on DNA and cloning are correct (and I have no reason why they wouldn't be), we have a problem. If the owner that dished out 50 grand to pay for a cloned cat used the DNA from her old cat when it was mature and/or aging, the cloned cat is going to age really quickly.

Because DNA taken from young life has these long tail thingies on the end of the DNA strands. As the animal ages, the tail thingies get short and the DNA starts to get all fudged up and then you get old and stuff. So if you use this old DNA, you'd be starting off with fudged up DNA and pet would seem old before it actually was old. Get it? Supposedly that's what happened to Dolly. I haven't seen anyone address this. What's the deal?

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