Thursday, August 05, 2004

Stars and their left wing pull

I'm sure there's a prefectly good reason celebs feel the need to convince America that it's their duty to vote as far left as they possibly can. Behold, the Vote for Change Tour.



As if being a star you supposedly have authority to tell others how to vote.

It's kinda like the classic southpark line:

Sharon: Oh hi, Stanley. Look, I'm buying you some more all-natural toothpaste.

Stan: You mean the stuff that tastes like ass and doesn't fight cavities?

Sharon: That's right.

Stan: Look, um… I know that you all think the earth and its natural healing powers can cure Kyle, but… the doctor at the hospital told me it can't.

Miss Information: Well, of course the doctor told you that, because he wants to make money. Holistic modicine is about NATURE. [to Sheila] Two-hundered and thrity-three dollars. [Sheila pays, and Miss Information rings it up]

Sheila: Everything's going to be fine, Stan. We're bringing Kyle in tomorrow to see the Native Americans personally.

Stan: Isn't it possible that these Indians don't know what thry're talking about?

Sharon: You watch your mouth, Stanley! The Native Americans were raped of their land and resources by white people like us!

Stan: And that has something to do with their medicines because…?

Sharon: Enough, Stanley!

Or rather: And being a star means you know something about politics because...?

But perhaps even more confusing is the fact that right wing stars don't feel the need to form a special interest group to counter the lefties.

They're deffinitely out there.


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