Friday, December 03, 2004

Putin weighs in on the Ukraine

A few days ago I said that Powell's excessive support for Viktor Yushchenko would invite ire from the international community. Thanks to Putin, we can now put a face on that angst. According to him, the United States is a dictatorship.

"Even if dictatorship is packaged in beautiful pseudo-democratic phraseology, it will not be able to solve systemic problems," Putin said. "It may even make them worse."

I guess there's several points I'd like to make. 1) See, I told you so. 2) Putin, don't be lecturing the U.S. on making the world safe. Last time I checked, it was your country that was having serious problems with preventing terrorism in the past 3 years -NOT OURS. 3) I can't even remember the last time Bush took a cheap shot at Schroeder or Chirac who perpetually spew anti-American garbage from all their bodily orifices. How is it that Putin can get away with such strong words directed at the United States? Conclusion: Many of the anti-American sentiment going around isn't fair, but still, it has to be considered in U.S. foreign poilicy.

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