"From homeland security to Social Security, from health care to a healthy economy, the message can be summed up in three words - on your own,"
There's lots of ways a political blow-hard can react to the President's speech:
There's a sincere reaction,
There's a calculated reaction,
And there's a knee jerk reaction.
But now Senator Clinton has invented a new form of reacting -a pre knee jerk reaction. That's right, Senator Clinton has reacted to a speech that hasn't even happened. This reminds me of the time Bill Clinton tried to react to the Republican Convention in '04 when he said the Republican party was going to put on a compassionate face and then shed it once the elections were over. President Clinton was wrong. Talks of compassion were non-existent. Instead the GOP Convention was dominated with talks of terrorism and national security.
Will Hillary make the same mistake? It doesn't matter. Even if the public disagrees with her, she'd never admit it.
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